Thursday, January 23, 2014

Not As Many Winter Birds

The feeders have been very busy but we do not have the beautiful irruption birds that we had last year.  No pine siskins, no red-breasted nuthatches.  But plenty of titmice, chickadees, juncos, doves, cardinals, and HOUSE FINCHES.  I wish there were some way to feed the others but not the house finches.  They go through seed so quickly, and they're not that fun to watch.

We also see the red-bellied woodpecker, downy woodpecker, pine warbler, and ruby-crowned kinglet from time to time.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Dobbins Farm Ponds

I am so tardy posting on here.

We've made seven trips to the Dobbins Farm Ponds and seen a short-eared owl twice.  Once Mom was with us and we got beautiful views that time.

I'm also 95% certain that I saw sandhill cranes flying overhead but can't mark them down for that.

We added the horned lark and savannah sparrow to our list.

On one of the earlier trips I added the common loon (Lake Hartwell) and the owl to my life list.

We have really enjoyed birding the Dobbins Farm Ponds this winter!!