Saturday, January 14, 2017

Sandhill Cranes

Saw two sandhill cranes from the Hwy 243 bridge in Townville.  This isn't much of a picture, but it's the best I could do under the circumstances - it is a very busy road.  I felt fortunate to get this, because I was not leaning on anything, and the zoom was pretty far out.

A local birder who is very good said that this is a nice find.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Snow Day 1/7/16

Our 4"-6" turned into just a dusting.  But the bird pictures were still pretty.

Our red-bellied woodpecker is finally back!  First time this winter.

Blue jay almost camouflaged in the tree and snow.

Buffet in action

Not a good pic, but enough of a white-breasted nuthatch to see that it is there.