Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Dickcissels Post #2

 We made another trip to the farm ponds this morning.  This time my battery was charged, so I got a few pictures.

Grasshopper sparrow - this is not cropped.  At first I thought it was a female dickcissel.

Male dickcissel - he was a little farther away, so I had to zoom and then crop.

Singing on a beautiful spring morning.

Oh, and a couple of wood ducks that were on the farm ponds.

We are the very eastern edge for dickcissels.  Any farther east, and eBird flags a dickcissel as a rare bird.  Range maps also show we are the edge of the range.

Saturday, May 27, 2017


Male Dickcissel
We saw three dickcissels this morning at the Dobbins Farm Ponds.  At first we were thinking larks--but they were definitely not meadowlarks or horned larks.  We watched two males vying over one female.  I had a hard time getting one good picture - but this does identify it well.  This was a lifer for Mike, and a confirmation for me - I had seen one about 20 years ago when we still lived at Great Oaks, but didn't realize at the time it was a fairly unusual bird for our area.  So that made me a little unsure about the identification at the time.