Saturday, June 30, 2018


Photos I got tonight of a dickcissel at Dobbins Farm Ponds.

Local Osprey Nest

This osprey nest is right on the main highway along the way to school!

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Recent Birding

I've finally been able to get back on here after a break of several months.  Still doing it in a round about way, but it works.

This is the brown booby that was seen for about a month at Furman University.  According to the range maps, it should not be anywhere north of Miami, Florida.  Viewed early May, 2018

Dickcissel, Dobbins Farm Ponds, 6/12/18

Indigo Bunting, Dobbins Farm Ponds, 6/7/18

Prairie Warbler, Dobbins Farm Ponds, 6/12/18