Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Recent Photos February 2020

Hooded Mergansers on a pond near our property in Due West.  Right on the highway.

Tom turkey in the snow - our back yard

Orange crowned warbler during the snow

Carolina wrens.  They were jumping back and forth from the pavement to the wheel well.

Two photos with beautiful coloration.  In this one my camera focused on the bluebird. . . .

. . . and in this one on the cardinal.
Lightened photo of a cardinal in the bare bushes...
...and another.

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Birds in the snow!!

We had an unexpected snowfall this morning.  Weatherman had called for a cold rain, with a chance of flurries around daybreak.  Well, the weather didn't start until around 10:00 this morning, and soon big, white, fluffy flakes were coming down, and continued falling until about 3:00 this afternoon.  So we have an inch of beautiful snow on the ground, and the bird activity was heavy.  It's been a surprise winter day, but very enjoyable.
Just a common house finch, but the snow on his crown makes a pretty picture.

First goldfinch of the year!

Orange-crowned warbler on the bottom.  A few minutes ago I got a rare sight - I saw the orange crown!!  That is not common at all.  It was just a slight orange line on its head.
Other than that pretty orange line, it is a very nondescript warbler.
The obligatory cardinal photo in any winter picture collection.