Monday, July 11, 2022

Barn Owl

 So we were driving home last Friday night, when we noticed this on the wires near our house.  I immediately noticed the heart-shaped face.  We turned around to double-check and could confirm it as a barn owl.  A life bird for me, and the first one Mike has seen since childhood days of visiting his grandmother, who had a pair nesting in her outbuilding.

Just goes to show you that you have to keep your eyes open and observant all the time.  Pics obviously not great due to dusk conditions and trying to use an iPhone camera instead of my good one.

The ID websites described its underparts when flying as being "ghostly white."  Great description.

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Birds We Observed April 11-13, 2022 - Huntington Beach State Park and Santee Coastal Reserve

In no particular order:
  1.  Blue winged teal
  2. American wigeon
  3. willet
  4. Lesser yellowlegs
  5. Anhinga
  6. Great blue heron
  7. Snowy egret
  8. Great egret
  9. Little blue heron
  10. Tricolored heron
  11. Turkey vulture
  12. Bald eagle
  13. Blue jay
  14. Fish crow
  15. Carolina Chickadee
  16. Tufted titmouse
  17. Tree swallow
  18. Gray catbird (heard)
  19. Eastern bluebird
  20. Red-winged blackbird
  21. Brown-headed cowbird
  22. Boat-tailed grackle
  23. Common gallinule
  24. American coot
  25. Anhinga
  26. Yellow-crowned night heron
  27. Red-bellied woodpecker
  28. Pileated woodpecker (heard)
  29. Fish crow
  30. Carolina wren
  31. House finch
  32. Orchard oriole
  33. Summer tanager
  34. Northern cardinal
  35. Canada goose
  36. Spotted sandpiper
  37. Bonaparte's gull
  38. Least tern
  39. Double crested cormorant
  40. Blue jay
  41. Tree swallow
  42. Barn swallow
  43. Prothonotary warbler
  44. Ruby throated hummingbird
  45. White throated sparrow
  46. Yellow rumped warbler
  47. Chimney swift
  48. Red-cockaded woodpecker
  49. Great crested flycatcher
  50. Eastern kingbird
  51. Blue-gray gnatcatcher
  52. Brown thrasher

Sunday, January 30, 2022

Golden Crowned Kinglet

Was happy to see a golden-crowned kinglet yesterday down at the farm - a life list bird for both of us. I couldn't get a picture as they move way, way too fast. Their behavior is very similar to the ruby-crowned kinglet which comes often to our feeders. Always nice to get a new bird!!

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Crazy Snow Day 1/16/2022

Absolute mayhem at our feeders all day today, getting worse as evening approached. 19 species. The birds cared very little if we raised the blinds or got close to the window. They were in a feeding frenzy all day. It was really nice to have a day like this, with no place to go and yet without losing power. We watched the birds off and on all day.