Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Recent Events

 --The rose-breasted grosbeaks are out in force this year.  Wave after wave appears to be headed past our area.  I read one post in a FB group that said it has to do with our crazy weather.  This is my best photo; I could have taken hundreds since there have been so many birds, but finally stopped.

--Last night while I was doing dishes, around 6:00, I glanced out and saw a great crested flycatcher on one of the shepherd's hooks.  It is grey, yellow, and brown, and does not normally frequent feeders.  So it's a new yard bird for us.

--This morning we watched a male downy woodpecker feeding seeds to a female.  It went on for several seconds; I sure wished my camera had been close by.  I've also watched house finches and cardinals doing the same thing this year.

Observations had been pretty bleak since returning from Arizona last fall, but the last few days have included an explosion of things to observe!!