Sunday, March 1, 2015

Showdown Between a Cooper's Hawk and a Downy

This morning a Cooper's Hawk swooped in and cleared out all the activity at my feeders for quite awhile.  I watched him close up for about twenty minutes before it flew.

I came back out to the kitchen a few minutes later and looked again - it was back, at the top of a pruned crepe myrtle, looking out toward my driveway, patiently awaiting a meal.  On the near side of the crepe myrtle was a downy woodpecker that had been heading for the suet.  Apparently recognizing the dire situation it was in, the downy literally did not move a muscle for about fifteen minutes.

Finally, the Cooper's Hawk flew toward the house, landing on a wire plant support right outside my kitchen window.  And the downy disappeared.  At first I thought the Cooper's had gotten it, but the Cooper's didn't have anything in its talons.  Then I realized - at the first motion from the hawk toward the house, the downy instantly disappeared to the back side of the tree.  It happened so fast I didn't even see it move.  And when the Cooper's finally flew away, the downy finally got brave and got its breakfast at the suet feeder.

A fascinating interchange to watch.

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