Friday, January 22, 2016

Winter Storm Birds

Winter storm - feeders crazy all day.  Mike went out and refilled the feeders, as well as cleaned out two of them that were a little stopped up.  He also pruned the rose bush outside our picture window that was hiding some of our view.

All these birds were there today, as well as a female finch of some kind that might have been a purple finch.  Not certain enough to say so.
  1. carolina chickadee
  2. tufted titmouse
  3. northern junco
  4. carolina wren
  5. pine warbler
  6. goldfinch
  7. house finch
  8. pine siskin (new for the year)
  9. ruby-crowned kinglet
  10. cardinal
  11. mourning dove
  12. red-bellied woodpecker
  13. downy woodpecker
  14. brown-headed nuthatch

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