Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Huntington State Park & Other Beach Locations 2018

Fabulous opportunities.  This is just a fraction of what I've seen.

Great Blue Heron, sandbar between North Pawleys and Litchfield

Laughing Gull with dinner

Painted Bunting singing from the top of a tree - must be an immature because of the changing color.

Painted Bunting at feeder

Immature Little Blue Heron - mottled due to changing colors

Anhinga saying "Praise Jesus!"  (actually drying his wings as they do sometimes)

Clapper Rail - the standard "marsh hen" of the coast - very secretive.  We've watched her several times run across the yard from one marsh to the other, sometimes with babies in tow.

Immature Summer Tanager

Two Prothonotary Warblers.  I tried so hard to get a good close-up picture of one, but it was not to be.

The picture of the day.  Seven Roseate Spoonbills with a snowy egret in the middle.  Lifers for us.

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