Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Feeder 12/19/23

 I have had to eat a little crow, no pun intended with the subject at hand.  Last fall Mike cut all the crepe myrtle trees way, way back--almost all the way back to the trunk.  I told him we would have very few birds this winter because they would have very little cover.  He said if we put food out, they would come.  

For several weeks I was right.  Not much came.  But last night our low temp was down to 27.  And the birds are out in full force.  No crows except what I am eating.

Just today:

house finch

Carolina wren

northern mockingbird

pine warbler

downy woodpecker

red-bellied woodpecker

tufted titmouse

Carolina chickadee

mourning dove

brown-headed nuthatch

and more that I will think of and add as they come to mind.

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